Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meteror shower November 2009

Meteor shower November 2009
According NASA experts, and other astronomers USA is going to have a shower of 20-30 meteors per hour while the Asian region will get around 200-300 meteors an hour. The best time to watch the meteor shower in USA is after 1:30 a.m. EST up to before sunrise.
 Leonid meteor shower travels with a speed of 71 km per second with a visible diameter of 1mm to 1cm.

The Leonid Meteor shower is a prolific shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The name, as it might suggest, comes from their location in the sky visually in alignment with Leo. Leonid’s meteor showers are apparently prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The shower is visible every year around mid-November when the Earth moves through the Leonid meteor stream that comprises solid particles known as meteoroids, ejected by the comet as it passes by the heat source of the Universe – the Sun. In reality all the entire meteor streaks are parallel, but by appearance they appear to originate from a single point in the sky.

C B Devgun of a Delhi-based NGO, SPACE, said: “A shower of shooting stars is something that happens only a few times. Leonids is one of these and the most prominent one. As a result, the rest of the stars appear as circular arcs.”


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