Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day

Points Of View:
 People across the country are turning out in droves supporting 'Freedom of Speech' Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A restaurants
" No, you have this wrong. Jim Henson Company is boycotting Hick-fil-A not because of immoral views. They're boycotting Hick-fil-A because that redneck CEO has used his company's money to oppress gay people by donating money to organizations known to use that money to oppress gays at the ballot box. Get your facts straight. This isn't a freedom of speech issue. It's about using MONEY to discriminate."

" Actually, I am somewhat bothered by their reducing of this support as only for "free speech." I think people are turning out to support Chick Fil-A for their courage in advocating for marriage amidst 1) hurls and insults and 2) threats of blackballing. They do not want to let their opponents define the terms of this argument and stand by as they harass them verbally and economically. They also wanted to expose the intolerance of the tolerance police."

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